Fate continues to haunt Jack Funnybone: he has lost the last of his family members in circumstances similar to that of his parents. Lonely, unemployed and yearning for love, he seeks a boarder to share his beach house in the hope of a new start.
Fate, however, has other notions. Through Bill, an eccentric local recluse, Jo, the boarder, and Venus, the mysterious suitor of Jo’s affections, Fate conspires to thwart our hero’s desire for a change of luck and fortune.
Lampooning without fear or favour and punctuated with incisive wit and unremitting rage, the second book of the Jack Funnybone/Fate series takes up where it left off in its caustic denunciation and castigation of mankind. Veiled in a filigree of erotic fantasy and sensual love, The Jo King of Jack Funnybone is a salient and grim reminder that Fate is an ever-present force that waits in the wings to frustrate and foil our best laid plans. This book is a beguiling read that will dazzle and charm you with its seductive prose.