Monsters at the Beach
Elizabeth Timms
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Children often see things differently to adults. Sometimes the simplest things can appear frightening. A flock of small birds diving into the sea to catch fish can even turn into ... A MONSTER!
Grandad to the rescue!
In his calm manner, Grandad patiently explains that there is nothing to be frightened of. After Grandad’s soothing words, Antonia and Jack can enjoy the rest of the day at the beach.
Monster at the Beach is a delightful story to read aloud to young children, over and over, written by someone who knows—a grandmother.
Product details
Format: Saddle-stitch
Dimensions: Square (210 x 210 mm)
Pages: 20 pgs
Customer Reviews
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Monsters at the Beach. It clearly reminds adults that children see the world differently to us. By allowing children to voice their thoughts/fears without ridicule, we as adults are able to turn fear into joy. The illustrations capture the story theme beautifully and together the Author and the
Illustrator have created a delightful, fun and easy to read story for the young. Well done.
A child's imagination is a precious thing and far too often disregarded or even discouraged. This book makes me want to take myself down to the beach, cast off my adult perceptions and look at everything again through a child's eyes. I can't wait to read it out loud to my great niece.
My toddler loved it and I enjoyed it too! It is so real, so my three year old easily associated with that and could imagine herself going out with granddad and younger sibling. But what I loved about it most, was that the author cleverly addressed the fear of monsters which is so common in this age group, and showed them that it is OK to have fears, but relieved them that monsters are not real! I find this really helpful for my daughter who finds it difficult to stay in her room by herself just because of fear of monsters. Very cleverly written. I look forward to more books from this brilliant writer!
Not only my three year old loved it, but also I really enjoyed it! There are lots of books out there. But I don't buy a book for my kids unless I have leafed through it and made sure it is suitable! This is one of the books I loved! It is so real, so my toddler easily associated with it imagining herself going out with granddad and younger sibling. What I liked even more,was that the book addressed toddlers fears of monsters, and cleverly showed them that although it is alright to have fears, they can be relieved that monsters are not real! We are at the stage that my daughter will not stay in a room by herself due to fears of monsters. I find a book like this very helpful to deal with this issue. Look forward to more books from this clever author!
Simply written, easy to read out loud, perfect for sitting with a child in your lap and sharing together.