Sandi Gamble
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When Sandi Gamble heard the Australian prime minister on TV apologising to 500,000 Forgotten Australians for the abuse and neglect they had endured as children in “care” in the post-World War II era, something within her cracked and she began to cry. The former Magdalene laundry orphanage inmate, who never felt she fitted in, realised she was a Forgotten Australian.
Thus began Sandi’s journey back to her broken past.
She had to reacquaint herself with Beverley, the girl she had left behind when she changed her to Sandi. The painful memories started flooding in; the memories that held the key to her life-long struggles with depression, alienation, anxiety, suicidal tendency, obsessive compulsiveness, and passivity when dealing with manipulative or authoritative people.
Broken begins as a diary to process the memories of the little girl who was abandoned by her gambling, spendthrift father, and then her mother. Left at home for hours unattended while her mother worked and drank her misery away, little Beverley was left to her own devices to survive.
This is the story of how one women faced her shattered past, looking it squarely in the eye. Sandi Gamble shares her story for all Forgotten Australians, their families, and those seeking to be inspired by an extraordinary story.
Product details
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: US Trade (152 x 228 mm)
Pages: 245 pgs