Dare to Choose
Marie Chronopoulos
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As a forty-something woman living an ordinary life in suburban Australia, Marie had the loving family, the supportive partner, and the fulfilling career; everything she had ever wanted. She was fit and felt healthy. But under the surface lurked a silent threat that would turn her world upside down and in one swift stroke, putting everything in perspective.
Dare to Choose chronicles Marie’s story as a cancer survivor, recounting the moments following the devastating news and the incredible life transformation that she underwent to take back control of her body and her fate, turning her disease into an opportunity to become the best version of herself she could possibly be; stronger, healthier, and more open to belief and love than ever before.
Dare to Choose is also the fulfilment of a personal promise. The promise to give back, reach out, and lend a hand through her words to all others who might be travelling down an unexpected fork in the road. This book is your wake-up call.
After undergoing procedures to extricate the tumours that were all over her body, Marie was ready and committed to embrace a better, healthier lifestyle. In this book, she will guide you through the process of rethinking the way you eat, the stuff you bring into your home, and understanding the nutrients that you do (or don’t!) feed your body. Marie guides you in relearning how to breathe by incorporating a meditation practice into your life, and teaches you about exercises to strengthen core muscles and fight off the pressures of aging and the threat of disease.
The powers of belief and love were the cornerstones of Marie’s self-healing journey from the beginning of her diagnosis, and she wants you to feel moved and encouraged to believe in your own transformation as something totally possible. By giving love and being open to receiving love, you will be able to heal yourself.
Product details
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: US Trade (152 x 228 mm)
Pages: 103 pgs
Customer Reviews
There is absolutely no one on planet Earth who would not benefit from reading this warm, engaging, inspiring and empowering book. Marie Chronopoulos has crafted an appealing and practical primer with gifts to offer to anyone willing to undertake an open-minded journey toward a better life. The easy-to-read text is peppered with inspirational quotes, real-life photos documenting Chronopoulos’ journey, recipes and schedules, airy graphics, and details of her own personal experiences--details which touch the heart even as they inspire the mind and the spirit. Perhaps Marie’s own words, quoted from the Introduction, say it best: “You are not alone. You have a purpose. You are loved. And just like me, you have the power; you can make changes and create new miracles in your life, if you dare to choose.”
Reading Marie Chronopoulos’ life story will cause anyone to shift their life’s perspective and see that it's the quality of life of how we live, what we eat and how we deal with day to day challenges that reflects our outcome, especially when faced with a life threatening disease. This book is all about choices, truth, and facing the man in the mirror. What you say to yourself and how you think throughout the day becomes your reality. So let's answer these questions again. What are you living for? What makes you happy? Embrace with me what Marie Chronopoulos teaches, take the reins of your life, and visualize a new you.
Marie Chronopoulos explains how she manages, even with a very hectic schedule. It truly is a no-excuses type of support. On top of that, readers will find easy recipes to create breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Far from being a book of recipes, but having a few included, the book offers a great example of how it CAN be done. Marie also shares how to improve the health of one’s spirit, mind and physical body through meditation and exercise. Dare to Choose is a very well-written book that will uplift readers who may be facing life-threatening illness, and it will inspire readers who are not to take measures to create a solid plan of prevention.
Faced with a poor prognosis, and told to set her affairs in order, Marie decided to take control of her life and to face the threat of cancer head on. She details the way she did this, which was basically changing her whole lifestyle. But not just the way she lived, what she ate, and products she used, but by changing her mindset: thinking positively, exploring self-belief and love for others as well as love for herself.
There are practical aspects like healthy living and some recipes to try. There is examination of meditation and ways to achieve this with breathing exercises, and discussion on the power of self-belief. So not only is this book one woman’s journey to overcome the impossible, it is a practical guide to others who may find themselves faced with a similar life-changing scenario.
From nutrition to exercise, from healthy habits to a powerful mindset, and from healing thoughts and meditation to a deep spiritual reach, Marie Chronopoulos guides readers on a journey towards wholeness and happiness. Dare to Choose: A Journey of Self-Healing is laced with interesting and entertaining anecdotes, insightful writing, and thoughts that will inspire readers. Written in a light-hearted and encouraging tone, this book will resonate in the hearts of those suffering from any kind of illness, and those seeking to live healthier and more meaningful lives. Here is one of the books I will be revisiting very often to find wisdom and light.